
What is the CO2 Calculator?

CO2 calculator is one of the most valuable tools that we can use in order to estimate the CO2 emissions of our activities (as individuals or as small business owners). The calculator uses data produced through scientific research and measurements in different parts of the globe and combined with the user input data, gives an approximated CO2 emission in kg. Of course calculating CO2 emissions with increased accuracy is a tedious procedure, requiring scientific equipment, careful monitoring and an increased timeframe of measurements. But nevertheless the data used in our calculator are compiled through government services and universities, giving the highest approximation results without adding to the complexity.

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Why use the calculator?

Unfortunately climate change is here and the consequences are obvious. Being able to understand the impact of our activities in an easy, straightforward way, will help us realize our contribution. And it may seem low compared to other parts of the industry, production or agriculture sectors, but everything counts if we want to stop climate change and the dire consequences. Moreover, our CO2 calculator gives the user the ability to benchmark their results against the average results of all other users. Also we have created comprehensive guides that they can provide guidelines and best practices on how to reduce their CO2 footprint.

Collective Innovation to Fight Climate Change/Project No. 2020-1-UK01-KA204-079203 has been co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.

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